Original hand painted production animation cels of Professor Ratigan and Basil set on a lithographic background from "The Great Mouse Detective," 1986, Walt Disney Studios; Disney seal lower right; Size - Professor Ratigan & Basil: 4 1/2 x 6 3/4", Image 9 x 15 1/2"; Unframed.
"Oh I love it when I'm nasty." - Ratigan
Eve Titus wrote a series of stories about Basil of Baker Street; a mouse that lived next door to Sherlock Holmes and who shared many of his skills and traits. Walt Disney Studios adapted the Titus stories into a wonderful feature film that was still able to maintain the Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes characters, even though they were transformed into a mouse world. The resulting film "The Great Mouse Detective" was directed by Ron Clements, music by Henry Mancini, and was released on July 2, 1986. Although the script took about four years to develop, the animation only took a year with an estimated total budget of $14 million.
Basil (named after Basil Rathbone who portrayed Sherlock Holmes fourteen times in Hollywood films) was based on the famous detective Sherlock Holmes, animated by Mark Henn and Steve Gordon, and voiced by Barrie Ingham. Basil resides at 221 1/2 Baker Street and his arch nemesis is Professor Ratigan. Ratian was designed and animated by Walt Disney master animator, Glen Keane. The inspiration for the character was Professor James Moriarty, the nemesis to Sherlock Holmes in the series of stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Ratigan was voiced by veteran Hollywood actor Vincent Price, who stated it was his favorite role because he had two songs written for him, "The World's Greatest Criminal Mind," and "Goodbye, So Soon."
In the following paragraph Ratigan explains his scheme to his henchmen:
"My friends, we are about to embark on the most odious, the most evil, the most diabolical scheme of my illustrious career. A crime to top all crimes. A crime that will live in infamy! Tomorrow evening, our beloved monarch celebrates her Diamond Jubilee and, with the enthusiastic help of our good friend, Mr. Flaversham, it promises to be a night she will never forget! Her last night, and my first, as supreme leader of all Mousedom!"
This is a wonderful cel Basil; disguised as a sailor so that he, along with Dr. Dawson, could go undercover into the Thames waterfront tavern "Rat Trap" in order to locate Fidget. To the left of Basil is a fantastic cel of the evil Professor Ratigan. He is eyes open with a wide open mouth and a wicked smile. Great full figure images of both the Famous Detective and the villainous rat; and would make a marvelous addition to any animation art collection!
#TheGreatMouseDetective #MichaelGabriel #Toby #BasilofBakerStreet #EveTitus #Disney #ArthurConanDoyle #SherlockHolmes #GlenKeane #OliviaFlaversham #DrDawson #animation #animationcel #VincentPrice #WaltDisney #GreatMouseDetective #Basil #productioncel #cel #animationart #untitledartgallery #MarkHenn