Original Production Animation Drawing of Mickey Mouse from "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" sequence of "Fantasia," 1940
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Original production animation drawing of Mickey Mouse in red and graphite pencils; Numbered 110 1/2 lower and upper right, and used...
Untitled Art Gallery
Original Production Animation Cel of Mickey Mouse Cel & Master Background
Original Production Animation Cel of Mickey Mouse Cel & Master Background
Untitled Art Gallery
Original Production Animation Cels of Mickey Mouse and Magic Broom from "Fantasia," 1940
Original hand painted and hand inked production animation cels of Mickey Mouse, Magic Broom, and Water Effects from "The Sorcerer's...
Untitled Art Gallery
Original Production Animation Cel of Mickey Mouse from "Fantasia," 1940
Original hand painted and hand inked production animation cel of Mickey Mouse from "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" sequence of "Fantasia,"...
Untitled Art Gallery
Original Production Animation Cel of Mickey Mouse from "Fantasia," 1940
Original hand painted and hand inked production animation cel of Mickey Mouse from "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" sequence of "Fantasia,"...
Untitled Art Gallery
Original Animation Cel of Mushrooms from "The Nutcracker Suite" sequence of "Fantasia," 1940
Original hand painted and hand inked production animation cel of Six Dancing Mushrooms and Hop Low from "The Nutcracker Suite" sequence...
Untitled Art Gallery
Original Production Animation Drawing of Mickey Mouse from "Fantasia"
Original production animation drawing of Mickey Mouse in red, yellow, green, and graphite pencils; Numbered 32A lower right, and used...
Untitled Art Gallery
Original Production Animation Cels of Centaurs and Cupids from "Fantasia"
Original hand painted and hand inked production animation cels of four Centaurs and four Cupids set on a lithographic background; From...
Modern Art • Animation Artwork
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© 2019 by Untitled Art Gallery | Selling Original Famous Artist Work, Animation Cel, Production Cel, Disney Cel
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