Original production animation drawing of Mickey Mouse and Ice from "On Ice," 1935, Walt Disney Studios; Green, blue, red and graphite pencils on peg hole paper; Numbered 143 in pencil lower right; Size - Mickey Mouse, Ice, & Ripple Effects: 4 3/4 x 10", Sheet 9 1/2 x 12"; Unframed.
"On Ice," 1935 is a Walt Disney animated short film directed by Ben Sharpsteen, music by Bert Lewis, written by Webb Smith, and distributed by United Artists. It stared the voice talents of Marcellite Garner (Minnie Mouse), Pinto Colvig (Goofy), Walt Disney (Mickey Mouse), and Clarence Nash (Donald Duck). Animation was done by Paul Allen, Milt Kahl, Fred Spencer, Art Babbitt, Johnny Cannon, Norman Ferguson, Eric Larson, John McManus, Webb Smith, Don Towsley, and Marvin Woodward.
The story of "On Ice" revolves around three different storylines that all take place during the winter on a frozen lake. At the beginning of the film, Mickey Mouse is helping Minnie Mouse to learn how to skate. The second storyline has Goofy attempting to catch fish by dropping chewing tobacco through a hole cut into the ice lake. Once the fish begin chewing, they are forced to come up to the surface to spit and Goofy attempts to knock them unconscious. The third storyline involves Donald Duck pulling a prank on Pluto by putting ice skates on his feet and luring him out onto the ice. Poor Pluto slips and slides on the ice and Donald laughs and pokes fun at him. The three story lines merge when Donald skates around Pluto with a kite on his back. The wind picks up and sends him flying over a waterfall. Mickey hears his cries for help and saves him by pulling on the yarns of his sweater. Donald ends up landing in the ice hole where Goofy is fishing.
This is a wonderful drawing of Mickey Mouse skating on a round piece of floating ice surrounded by water ripples and other floating sheets of ice to the left and right. The drawing has a large centered full figure image of Mickey ice skating with his scarf billowing in front of him. His left foot, complete with ice skate, is raised in front of him and he has a huge smile. This is a fantastic very detailed drawing from a 1930's Walt Disney cartoon short, and would be a standout for any animation art collection!
#Goofy #MickeyMouse #Pluto #Minnie #MinnieMouse #MarcelliteGarner #DonaldDuck #OnIce #ClarenceNash #PintoColvig #Disney #WaltDisney #untitledartgallery #animation #cel #animationcel #animationdrawing #productiondrawing #productioncel #DippyDawg #Mickey #BenSharpsteen #BertLewis #UnitedArtists #PaulAllen #MiltKahl #FredSpencer #ArtBabbitt #JohnnyCannon #NormanFerguson #EricLarson #JohnMcManus #WebbSmith #DonTowsley